How do Extracurricular activities affect people’s life

APR -13-2015
by Boudreaux, William
for English I – 3rd period

Band, track, and theater are just a few of the many extracurricular activities that students choose from. Whether, it’s from marching in the band to acting in front of a full house, extra-curricular activities can help students as well as hurt them. A positive effect is that it helps students brain develop more but a negative effect would be that students would have trouble keeping balance.

Extra-curricular activities are mostly known for their positive effects. For example, if two students who were about to take the exact same test by themselves and one of the students were in band, track, and theater while the other one wasn’t the student who is in all of these activities is the one to most likely succeed. This shows one of the most commonly known positive effects which is extra-curricular activities helps the brain to grow more strong. Due to activities causing students to give up there fun, lazy, carefree nights and replace them with nights filled with Learning lines, practicing for hours, and not giving up when things get rough. Helping the brain grow isn’t the only thing that extracurricular actives do it also helps teach students about managing time. Because with trying to learn lines, practicing, and not losing your mind along with English and math teachers giving you homework every night you have to learn how to manage time or you will end up like Pac mule barely making it up the hill of success.

In addition, to the positive effects of extra-curricular activities there are some negative effects too. For example, extra-curricular activities may help people to learn about time management but not all people realize how much time the activities and homework take up. So when people try to take on all of these activities they end up failing so many grades that they end up falling like the city of Pompeii. Very few people are able to handle all of the activities and those are the kids, who are able to complete their activities, do their homework and can still find some free time for themselves. Extra-curricular activities don’t just cause students to get behind on their grades it also puts a ton of stress on the student which most of the time cause the student to give up on school and everything else .Therefore, most students get so far behind with their grades that the stress becomes so unbearable it causes them to give up and end up walking around almost zombie like in the land of forgotten papers.

In conclusion, even though extra-curricular activities can help the development of the brain better and may seem so positive, there is a dark side that causes students to drown in the river of failing grades.

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